Category: Personal Lines

Featured Content – Sales Cloud Personal Lines

July 15, 2024
Sales Cloud Personal Lines includes access to more than 70 items of marketing content. These can be found under the Prospecting tab of the Zywave user console.

TurboRater for Websites Info Sheet

July 15, 2024
TurboRater for Websites is re-imagining the insurance shopping experience with a fully embedded quoting tool that is branded to fit right on your website. Consumers can […]

Client Cloud Info Sheet

June 27, 2024
Your clients want more than an insurance policy—they want a trusted advisor. Discover consulting and fee-based service opportunities by providing your clients the […]

TurboRater for Websites Bind Online

June 25, 2024
With TurboRater for Website’s binding capabilities, prospects in select states can buy the auto policy of their choice at any time without leaving your website. With […]

TurboRater Integrations Info Sheet

May 30, 2024
Integrate TurboRater with your agency management system to instantly bridge quote data directly into your workflow to save time, reduce manual entry errors, and increase […]

A Content Strategy Guide for Insurance Marketers

April 29, 2024
You need content. Lots of content. Smart content. Targeted content. Content that enhances every part of your entire customer journey. You need to make content work for […]

Propelling Progress: 2023 at Zywave

February 28, 2024
From the introduction of groundbreaking products to the seamless integration of cutting-edge digital solutions, our story is one of forward-thinking strategies and […]

Maximizing Producer Productivity Whitepaper

November 27, 2023
The insurance industry is experiencing a transformation. New business models. New products. New demands. New expectations. New technology. And, lots of new producers. […]

Personal Lines Quoting API Info Sheet

November 16, 2023
Shopping for personal lines coverage often requires multiple systems and disparate data sources. Insurance agencies and service providers deserve a more efficient […]

Zywave’s Jason Liu Talks Open API on Insurtech CEO Panel

October 12, 2023
It’s a rare occasion to get CEOs from the top insurtech platform providers in the broker space together in the same room. And it is even rarer to get them all on a […]

TurboRater Personal Lines Carrier Map

October 3, 2023
See the complete list of carriers included in TurboRater, the easy-to-use comparative rater for personal lines coverage. With built-in underwriting rules applied […]

Sales Cloud for Personal Lines Info Sheet

October 3, 2023
Every agency needs a process to find and write new business, while providing the best service to renew current clients. Empower your agency with world-class technology […]

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