Category: LinkedIn Live

Insurance Experts, Here’s What Should Be on Your Holiday Wish List

December 14, 2022
Get the gift that keeps on giving! Set yourself up for future success and take your agency to the next level with the software tools you need to streamline and grow.

Tackling the Tough Conversations During This Year’s Renewals

September 4, 2022
Benefits rates are going up. Coverage is getting more complicated. Employees are expecting more out of their benefit plans. When you walk in the door to meet with your […]

Get Maximum Content Exposure with Your Broker Partners

July 20, 2022
What is your process for getting content into the hands of your broker partners? Relying on manual, individual communications or expecting your broker partners to find […]

How to Compete in Today’s Competitive M&A-Led Market

May 18, 2022
In order to thrive in today’s uber-competitive and acquisition-heavy insurance industry, insurers need to be able to embrace change. And that goes for carriers, […]

Zywave Named a Leader in The Forrester Wave

May 3, 2022
Senior vice president Jeff Cohen and vice president of marketing, Amanda Lynn Flynn tell you all about the state of Digital Insurance Agency Platforms. We will […]

Improving Key Outcomes Through Policyholder Engagement

April 19, 2022
This LinkedIn Live will focus on how carriers can improve key outcomes (loss ratios, retention, premium) by helping policyholders take charge of their own risk […]

Transform Your Quoting & Proposal Process with CPQ

March 22, 2022
Consumer expectations have heightened, looking for fast, reliable quoting. Full-service agencies everywhere are looking for an all-in-one platform with direct-to-carrier […]

The Education Tools All Your Clients Need

February 15, 2022
Join Zywave Senior Vice President Jeff Cohen and Senior Account Executive Shannon Harnitz to learn how you can use Zywave’s Learning Management System to bolster your […]

How Insurance Brokers Can Fill Their Sales Funnel in 2022

January 24, 2022
Growth can be challenging in today's competitive insurance industry. As we start the new year, insurance professionals like you are looking for the best ways to fill […]

Building a Cohesive Strategy for Policyholder Engagement

November 4, 2021
Policyholders are not thrilled with their carriers and brokers. More contact is needed with policyholders outside of the trilogy of touchpoints for binding, renewals, […]

Take Your Benefits Prospecting to the Next Level with Zywave

October 18, 2021
Prospecting in today's market can be tough. If you want to give yourself the ultimate advantage, you have to start leveraging data to target your ideal leads. Want to […]

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